With summer winding down, many of you are probably gearing up to get back to school! With a new “season” starting and all the tasks that come with getting back into the swing of things. Some of you may have this transition down pat, but for others, it may be hard getting back to a regular schedule- for both kids and adults! Here are some of our trusted tips and tricks to get you back on track.
The number one thing we have to tell you is to plan ahead. There are many things involved with this step! From school supplies to organizing carpools.
- As soon as you get the school supply list, try to tackle some items off of it. We know it sounds great to push it off to the last minute. If you know some staple items that are on the supply list year after year, try to pick those up throughout the summer so it's not such a big hit to the wallet when August rolls around.
- Whether it’s your first time getting your kid ready for school or you’re sending your son or daughter off to their senior year of high school, things are bound to have changed since the previous year. Talk to everyone that’s included in your child care crew and determine a solid schedule for pick-up and drop-off. Communicate this to everyone so that your child, their teacher, and yourselves feel comfortable knowing exactly who has what responsibilities.

Now that we have a set plan, we have to Get ready for “School Time”
- About 3 weeks before school starts, try to get your kids back on their normal sleep schedules. Summer is known for late nights, ice cream, and sleeping in so getting them back to reality sooner rather than later is key!
- Chances are throughout the summer your kid's closet and drawers have become a mess! Set a day aside to go through all their clothing to determine what fits, and what needs to be donated or thrown out. This will not only get their room reorganized but it will also help you assess what back-to-school clothes are really necessary for that big shopping trip!
- If there weren’t any summer reading lists assigned, try to get your son or daughter slowly back into the mindset that homework and responsibilities are on the way. Pick up a fun book for them to read or take them to a local museum to learn!

So, what else can help make the transition from Summer to School smoother? The list could really go on and on! We’d love to hear helpful tips from you that helped transition your child from Summer to School! Comment Below!