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O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree...

December 04, 2014

Living room with Christmas tree and holiday decor

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree…

Designers, decorators, Suzy Homemakers, and Feng-Shui enthusiasts all agree that the placement of the Christmas tree can greatly enhance one’s holiday décor. Serving as the epitome of all things Christmas, the Christmas tree is a symbol of happiness, warmth, and holiday cheer. Because spruce is an overwhelmingly popular holiday item, certain recommendations have been established regarding the placement of this beloved decoration.

You may be familiar with a few of the most popular recommendations.

  • Place your Christmas tree in a room where your holiday guests will gather. No, not the kitchen! :) Decorators agree that placing the tree in the living room or den allows everyone to enjoy its beauty. Guests passing in and out of the home or staying for a prolonged visit will be able to admire your tree in all of its splendor.  
  • Select a space that imposes no limit on the tree’s size and height. Can we just say, this is much easier said than done! Today, many Christmas trees are much larger than they appear! If you’re selecting a live tree from a Christmas tree farm, don’t let the open space fool you. Trees often appear much smaller when placed in an open and expansive area. It’s only once you’re squeezing the tree through your front door that you realize it doesn’t fit as perfectly in your space.
  • Avoid placing your Christmas tree near a fireplace or outlets! Fire safety is a huge concern during the holiday season. Protect yourself and your loved ones by keeping your tree away from any source of light or heat.  
  • Choose an area where guests can move around the tree freely and safely. Make sure to leave enough room in front and behind your tree for gifts from family, friends, and of course, Santa Claus!
  • Position the tree in an area where its beauty can be viewed from the outdoors! Many living in tight-knit neighborhoods or communities like to share the beauty of their tree with their friends or neighbors! Placing your tree in front of a large glass door or beautiful bay window is ideal!

All of these recommendations are wonderful but are much easier said than done, ESPECIALLY if you’re living in a smaller home, condo, or apartment complex. Do you have the space to ensure that your tree is in a usable area, next to a window or door, easily accessible, AND removed from a heat or lighting source?  Whew- that’s a lot of information to process when decorating. Cue anxiety onset!  Unfortunately, apartments, condos, and small homes don’t offer all the luxuries you may need to help you create a Pottery Barn-Esque holiday space- there just is not enough room! Although there are many alternatives and adjustments that can help alleviate the issue of a cramped holiday space, we propose a solution! Instead of changing your décor and lifestyle to suit your space, change your space to suit your lifestyle and décor. Invest in a new home!   In addition to added benefits year-round, a new home can help you with creating the perfect holiday home look!

New homes are often equipped with designer features that allow you to place your Christmas tree wherever you wish! Eastwood Homes, like many new home builders, prides itself on building innovative and open floor plans. An expansive, open space allows homeowners to enjoy their Christmas tree from almost any room in the home.  A Christmas tree placed in the living room would also be visible from the kitchen, breakfast nook, sunroom, and formal dining room! Talk about a sight to see! Concerns regarding the size of your tree or the space around it become a non-issue in a new home. Unlike the homes of yesteryear and apartment-style buildings of the modern-day, new homes are built with high ceilings for an open and airy feel.  Many Eastwood Homes include 9 Ft ceilings on the main level and boast dramatic two-story great rooms. These features enhance your options for Christmas decorating! Large living areas and high ceilings help reduce the possibility of a tree fire as they offer ample room removed from the fireplace. Large living areas also allow homeowners to gather around the tree comfortably during gift exchanges. Last, but certainly not least, new homes offer natural light! Natural light means MANY, MANY windows! Instead of placing your tree in front of a certain window, a new home ensures that wherever you place your tree, it can more than likely be seen twinkling through almost any window!  

A new home can help simplify the decorating process and cut down on your stress during the exciting, yet busy holiday season! In any home, choosing the perfect spot for your Christmas tree requires careful planning! Keep in mind, that you’re not simply choosing between one room vs another- you’re selecting the location where your family will spend most of their time and feel most comfortable. You’re choosing the location of all your Christmas photos and memories of holiday cheer that will last a lifetime!

Here are a few examples of Eastwood Homes that may offer you and your family the perfect holiday set-up: The Davidson, The Cypress, The Caldwell, The Charleston, and The Raleigh

Buying a New Home, Decorating Ideas, Decorating new homes, Decorating Trends, Eastwood Homes, New Homes

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